Tuesday, September 16, 2008


爸爸, 68 岁, 终于决定退休.

没什么朋友的他, 也没有嗜好. 真担心他会陷入忧郁. 这一阵子我每天都回去陪他, 希望他不会那么闷.
他的身体不好, 下个星期还得动手术. 好可怜爸爸... 觉得...心好酸.

他为了我们这几个孩子付出了很多. 现在老了, 应该享福了.可是他却一点也不开心. 我们三姐妹嫁了之后, 家里变得冷清.

妈妈还好, 会自己找节目.


Friday, August 29, 2008


可怜我的宝贝 :-(
今天在学校玩耍的时候, 不慎跌倒撞到柜子. 上唇肿得很厉害, 门牙上的牙银也流了好多血.
从侧脸看, 其实蛮好笑的. 很象只小鸟. 哈哈... 连我的邻居看了都忍不住想笑. :-P

Sunday, June 15, 2008


近两个月, 生意跌了. 主要原因是美国现在是SUMMER HOLIDAY, 所以冷清了一些. 希望八月过后会好转.

平时的忙碌是开心自由的. 现在却带着压力.

我要乐观, 继续努力!!!
要切记, 没有永远的'跌'. 当'起'的时候, 我必须已做好准备把生意推向更高峰!

好! 今天放半天假, 好好补充元气! GENKI! :-)

Monday, February 11, 2008




2008年一月,温温开始新的校园生活.由于无法适应新环境, 结果出现情绪失控等可怕症状.后来她得了胃感冒, 情绪更是不稳. 持续了将近三个星期后, 我发现她其实已经习惯性的作出惹人厌烦的声音和一些举动, 所以在忍无可忍的时候, 我就对她破口大骂,还打到她的小屁屁开花.
我上网找了很多有关小孩子们这类的问题, 尝试用了一些建议, 还好还真有效. 我们还带了她去拜观音. ZW 也很努力的培养温温和他之间的感情.
终于... 可爱活泼的力温'回来'了. 我和ZW的心也安了很多. :-)

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Wenwen can draw a sun!

I first noticed wen could draw a sun was while we were having breakfast at Hans (bukit merah). She drew a very vague sun on the order paper. When I saw it, I was so excited because she only knew how to draw spirals and zig-zags and lines. But now she's able to draw a 'thing'!

After we've reached home, I gave her the crayons and paper. She started drawing many suns.
I look forward to the day she can draw more things. :-)

The little angel

A Christmas ornament made from recycled materials.
This was wenwen's playgroup project which has to be made by the mother and child.

The pair of odd looking wings are wenwen's handprints...haha...
This little angel can be hung on the tree or as a standing display.

We won a prize for it! But nothing to be proud of because there were very few participants.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Big Bully

Took wenwen to science centre today.

She was playing with a stationery water gun at the water works. A few seconds later, a boy about 5 or 6 years old, pushed her aside and started playing with it. I was quite angry and told him that he should wait for his turn. Then he said "Why can't she share?" I told him that he didn't even ask. Wenwen started to cry and I ask him again to wait for his turn. He chose to ignore me. I really felt like pushing him aside, but that's a bad example for wenwen, and very childish of me to fight with a little boy. So I let him be and before I walk away, I told him he is a rude boy. He continues to ignore me.

Later on, I noticed that the boy's parents were sitting nearby, and they were obviously aware of the whole incident. They chose to ignore just like that boy. Like father like son. 鸡蛋糕... SIGH!!

Sunday, September 30, 2007


晚上, 老公看演唱会去, 剩我和温温不知该做些什么. 结果带她搭地铁到SERANGOON, 去我姐姐家. 在地铁上竟然没人让位给我们... 抱着重有15KG 的温温, 我吃力的站了六个站.

从姐姐那儿回家时, 又搭地铁. 我们搭到CHINATOWN, 然后开开心心买了些吃的, 再从那里搭巴士回家.

这是我第一次没驾车带她跑来跑去, 很考我的体力. 看得出温温和我一样开心... 所以虽然很累,但是却累得很值得.